Telethon emerged in 1978 as a marathon TV show, whose goal was to raise funds for physical and emotional child rehabilitation. The ambitious project, which proposed to achieve the simultaneous transmission of the 4 television stations that existed at the time, initially was a great technical challenge and also on a human level. Today, it embodies not only one of the most adherent television events during the year, but it has also been enshrined as the work of social work most loved by Chileans and Chileans.During its beginnings, where it worked under the name of Society Pro Aid of the Crippled Child, the low budget and the inadequate physical conditions of the house that housed the entity, in Huérfanos Street 2681, only reached to attend 75 patients. Without an elevator, nurses, doctors and all those who worked there had to raise the children in their arms to the second floor of the building. Thanks to the broad commitment demonstrated by the population in full, today this reality has changed completely and in the most positive way.Currently, we have 14 institutes of which 12 are located in regions. These serve 97% of the Chilean infantile population with motor disabilities. Each year, more than 3,000 new patients are admitted and more than 729,000 therapeutic medical care is performed. This work, which barely get to know some fragments and testimonies during the known "27 hours of love", involves the efforts of hundreds of professionals and volunteers during the 365 days of the year.We are in the era of digitalization, where the use of smartphones seems to set the pace for virtually every moment of the day. That is why Telethon, always under the commitment of being a firm support for those who need it, has wanted to join these new ways of communicating and informing. Product of this challenge is born Aplicatón, a mobile application designed to bring all people to this great work. Through its different sections, we invite you to discover the latest news, news, events and activities so that you can actively participate in this intense work, the one that needs everyones help.